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Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test area welcomes policy

Date: 2018-08-10
BrowsingS: 63
Release date: 2018-08-10
BrowsingS: 63

On August 7, the State Council issued the 'Reply on the Approval of the Establishment of a Cross-border E-Commerce Comprehensive Experimental Zone in 22 Cities Such as Beijing' (hereinafter referred to as 'Reply'), agreeing to be in Beijing, Hohhot, Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin, Nanjing, 22 cities including Nanchang, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanning, Haikou, Guiyang, Kunming, Xi'an, Lanzhou, Xiamen, Tangshan, Wuxi, Weihai, Zhuhai, Dongguan and Yiwu set up cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas, extending to the inland .

So far, the national cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test area has expanded to 35, except Shanxi, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Tibet, and Qinghai, covering 26 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, continuing to promote opening up and promoting new engines for foreign trade transformation and upgrading. Accelerate the formation, and promote the coordinated development of the region to add a new grasp.

Continue to expand

The continuous expansion of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test area is like a dose of dopamine, which is strong and open to the outside world.

The person in charge of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce explained the 'Reply'. Since March 2015, 13 cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas, such as Hangzhou, approved by the State Council, have achieved positive results. The cross-border e-commerce turnover has been for two consecutive years. More than doubled, it has become a new bright spot for foreign trade innovation and development, a new kinetic energy for transformation and upgrading, a new platform for innovation and entrepreneurship, and a new carrier for the construction of the “Belt and Road”.

In particular, in the past two batches of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas, a series of test results that can be replicated and promoted nationwide have been formed in customs clearance and logistics facilitation. Zhang Li, director of the Institute of Electronic Commerce of the Ministry of Commerce, believes that the core lies in Strengthen top-level design, carry out system, management and service innovation, and implement the “six systems and two platforms” (“six systems” ie information sharing, financial services, intelligent logistics, e-commerce integrity, statistical monitoring and risk prevention and control systems; “two platforms” The policy framework of the online integrated service platform and the offline industrial park platform has formed a fixed feature.

The China E-Commerce Research Center recently released the “2017 China Urban Cross-border E-Commerce Development Report”, which analyzes 13 cities across the country in cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones, from transaction scale, growth space, industry penetration, supporting environment, The platform aggregated five indicators to rank them overall. Among them, Shenzhen topped the list, Guangzhou ranked second, followed by Hangzhou and Ningbo, respectively, ranking third and fourth respectively.

In order to promote the development of cross-border e-commerce in a wider range, the State Council has chosen the place where e-commerce has good basic conditions and great potential for import and export, and it is inclined to the central and western regions and northeastern regions in Beijing, Hohhot, Shenyang, Changchun and Harbin. A number of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas have been set up in 22 cities.

From the perspective of location advantages, Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin and Hohhot take obvious advantages in deepening trade between Russia and Northeast Asia; Guiyang, Kunming, Nanning and other places have long-term trade with ASEAN countries; and Xi'an, Lanzhou, As an important node city of the “Belt and Road”, Xiamen and Yiwu have great potential for prospering trade in Central and Eastern Europe. China is taking the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test area as a starting point and opening up the international circulation of resources such as people and property, and promoting regional coordinated development in the opening up.

Inland extension

Among the newly established pilot cities for cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas, the central and western regions occupy 9 seats, the northeast region occupies 3 seats, and the rest are eastern cities.But they all have good industrial belt base,mature e-commerce,the atmosphere, relatively perfect international logistics conditions, good foreign trade development and urban development cross-border e-commerce subjective initiative.

The industry believes that the newly approved cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test area, which will promote the coordinated development of the region and promote the rise of the new highland in the inland areas, can be seen from the regional radiation, such as the finalists of the obvious cities, such as Lanzhou and Xi'an in the northwest.


In addition to the expansion of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas, the policy at the national level has continued to increase in recent days. For example, from August 1 this year, customs import and export goods will be consolidated, and customs declarations and inspection forms will be merged into one. The customs declaration will improve the efficiency of the entire customs work. This move means a lot of dividends for cross-border electricity businesses with speed, efficiency and experience.

Shuffle now

In fact, since 2015, the government's work report for four consecutive years has expressed the development of new formats such as cross-border e-commerce. Subsequently, favorable policies were intensively introduced and policy dividends were continuously released. In particular, the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that it should expand foreign trade, foster a new model of new trade formats, and promote the construction of a strong trade country.

At the same time, the government has intensively introduced regulatory policies with a view to optimizing the cross-border e-commerce operating environment and improving the rules, and the policy dividends including cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas will continue to be released in the next few years.

But there is always a process for the development of things. In the view of cross-border e-commerce companies, a healthy industry order is more important than anything else. The sooner the emerging industry reshuffles, the better the space for the strong. Because in the general trend of consumption upgrading, consumer demand will surely develop in a 'blowout' manner, and cross-border e-commerce will bear an important part in it.

In the past, the era of individual politics has gone quietly. With the further promotion of regional coordinated development, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas must further strengthen cooperation among cities.

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